En résumé

2013 - now : research engineer in applied mathematics department of IFPEN
main research topic : uncertainty quantification and numerical optimization

2012 - 2013 : Post-doctoral fellow at IRSN (Institut de Radioprotection et Sûreté Nucléaire).
main research topic : meta-modelling and optimization of models with functional inputs

2011 - 2012 : Post-doctoral fellow at Imperial College.
main research topic : sensitivity analysis and meta-modelling.

2010 - 2011 : A.T.E.R. University Paris Diderot – Paris VII.

PhD in applied mathematics (University Paris Diderot – Paris VII) : Stochastic methods for the controlled estimation of small probabilities on complex physical models. Application to the nuclear domain. Supervisor : Josselin Garnier. Industrial Partner : EDF R&D.

Master degree in applied mathematics (Paris Est university)

Sujets de recherches
Stochastic algorithms
Sensitivity Analysis
Chance constraint optimization
Probability estimation
Dimension reduction
Optimization / inversion under uncertainties
Mixed integer continuous optimization

Collaborative projects


  • 2021 - 2024: Partner in the consortium CIROQUO
    Consortium Industriel de Recherche en Optimisation et QUantification d'incertitudes pour les données Onéreuses.
    Members: EMSE, Centrale Lyon, CNRS, UCA, Université Toulouse III, INRIA, UGA, Ecole polytechnique, BRGM, CEA, IRSN, Storengy, Stellantis, IFPEN.
  • 2021 - 2024: Partner in the ANR project SAMOURAI
    Members: CEA, CentraleSupelec, EDF, EMSE, IFPEN, Polytechnique Montréal, Safran.
    Simulation Analytics and Meta-model-based solutions for Optimization, Uncertainty and Reliability AnalysIs. 
  • 2021 - 2024: Partner in the H2020 European project HIPERWIND
    Members: DTU, EDF, IFPEN, EPRI, DNV, University of Bergen, ETH Zurich.
    Highly advanced Probabilistic design and Enhanced Reliability methods for high-​value, cost-​efficient offshore WIND. 
    This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
    Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 101006689 - HIPERWIND
  • 2020 - 2023: Construction and partnership in a programme Samuel de Champlain project 
    Members: GERAD - Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal (S. Le DigabelC. Audet), IFPEN
    Variables de catégorie en optimisation de modèles boîtes noires 
  • 2015 - In progress: Organizing member in the research group MASCOT-NUM. 


  • 2016 - 2019: Partner in the applied mathematics Chaire OQUAIDO  
    Members: EC Lyon, UPS, EMSE, CNRS/UNICE, CEA, SAFRAN, ISFA, BRGM, IRSN, UGA, Storengy.
    Optimisation et QUAntification d'Incertitude pour les Données Onéreuses http://chaire-mathematiques-appliquees.emse.fr/.
  • 2015 - 2017: Joint Industrial Projects ERMES in reservoir engineering
    Members: Petrobras, ENGIE, IFPEN
    Enhanced unceRtainty and optiMization mEthodologieS: surrogate modelling, sensitivity analysis and optimization.
  • 2015 - 2016: Construction and co-leader of PGMO projects  
    Members: EDF, UniversitätDuisburh-Essen, Paris 7 University, IFPEN.
    Optimization under probabilistic constraints of complex systems – Application to the anchoring of offshore wind-turbines 
  • 2016: Partner in Joint Industrial Projects STARWACS 
    sponsored by Alyeska Pipeline and Total. Developments in sensitivity analysis.
  • 2014 - 2015: Partner in the ANR MODNAT 
    Probabilistic reliability in high dimension.
  • 2013 - 2015: Partner in the consortium ReDICE 
    Novative mathematical methods for the design and analysis of computer experiments.

Project reviews & committees

  • 2019 - Expertise for the Autorité de Sécurité Nucléaire Défense (ASND) on design of experiments, sensitivity analysis and modelling.
  • 2018 - Member of the scientific committee for the conference DataSciEn'2018 - Learning from Scientific Data in Energy - www.ws-datascien2018.com.
  • 2018 - CITEPH project evaluation : Collaborative & Innovative Technology Program in Exploration and Production of Hydrocarbons.

Conference organization

  • 2021 - Chairman in session Global and local derivative-free optimization under uncertainty at EURO 2021, 10-14 Juillet, Athènes.
  • 2019 - Journées GDR MascotNum 2019 at IFPEN (with Delphine Sinoquet).
  • 2016 - Organization at Institut Henri Poincaré of the workshop "Dealing with stochastics in optimization problems" with LPMA (university Diderot) and Centrale Supélec. 

Conference Invitation

  • 2022 - SIAM conference on uncertainty Quantification, 12-15 April Atlanta, Georgia US. 
    A two-step procedure for time-dependent reliability-based design optimization involving piece-wise stationary Gaussian processes.
  • 2021 - RESIM 2021 : 13th International Workshop on Rare-Event Simulation. 18-21 Mai Paris. 
    A reformulated chance constraint optimization problem for the fatigue design of an offshore wind turbine mooring system.
  • 2020 - Journée de la conception robuste et fiable - 7eme edition 29 Janvier - SIGMA Clermont-Ferrand.
    Reliability based design optimization and uncertainty quantification for offshore wind turbines.
  • 2019 - Atelier de modélisation de l'Atmosphère (AMA) - 11 mars 2019- Météo-France, Toulouse.
    Optimization and Bayesian approaches for model calibration. Application to oil and gas field management.
  • 2017 - International workshop on nuclear data covariances - 02 october 2017 - CEA Cadarache and NEA, Aix en Provence.
    Optimization and Bayesian approaches for model calibration. Application to oil and gas field management.

Post-doctoral collaboration

  • Valentin Breaz : Jan. 2023 - June 2024
    Sequential dimension reduction for rare event probability estimation.
  • Stephane Jacquet : Janv. 2023 - Janv. 2024
    Integrating hidden constraints within NOMAD optimizer.
    Improving mixed inputs optimizer.
  • Morgane Menz : Dec 2021 - Dec 2022
    Learning Hidden constraints for optimization and metamodelling.
  • Achille Murangira : April 2014 - Oct 2015
    Extreme mechanical response prediction and failure probability estimation of a floating wind turbine submitted to wind time variant random processes.

PhD expertise

  • Thesis EDF Elias Fekhari - 2021
    Expectation estimation with metamodelling and active learning

PhD promotion

  • Enikő Bartók:  Nov. 2022 - Nov. 2025 
    Directors: E. Vazquez (Central Supelec)
    Co-promotor: N. Bonfils (IFPEN).
  • Adama Barry : Janv. 2022 - Janv. 2025 
    Optimal design of physical and numerical experiments for computer code calibration
    Directors: C. Prieur (LJK, Université Grenoble Alpes) and F. Bachoc (Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, Université Paul Sabatier)
    Co-promotor: S. Bouquet (IFPEN).
  • Clément Duhamel : Oct. 2020 - Oct. 2023 
    Estimation d'ensembles d'excursion par processus gaussiens pour des fonctions boîtes noires à valeurs scalaires ou vectorielles.Application à la calibration d'un simulateur numérique éolien,
    Directors: C. Prieur (LJK, Université Grenoble Alpes) and C. Helbert (Centrale Lyon)
    Co-promotor: D. Sinoquet (IFPEN).
  • Erwan Rondeaux : Sept. 2019 - Sept. 2022
    Calage bayesien et machine learning pour accelerer la calibration de modèles CFD.
    Director: C. Angelberger (IFPEN).
    Partner: R. Paoli (Univ. Illinois).
    Co-promotor: A. Poubeau (IFPEN).
  • Alexis Cousin :Sept. 2018 - Sept. 2021
    Chance constraint optimization of a complex system. Application to the design of a floating offshore wind turbine.
    Director: J. Garnier (Ecole Polytechnique).
    Co-promotor: M. Guiton (IFPEN).
  • Adrien Hirvoas - Aout 2018 - Aout 2021
    Assimilation de données de capteur d'eoliennes pour la mise à jour en continue de modèles fidèles.
    Directors: C. Prieur (Univ. Grenoble Alpes) and E. Arnaud (Univ. Grenoble Alpes).
    Co-promotor: F. Caleyron (IFPEN).
  • Reda El Amri - Aout 2016 - Aout 2019
    Robust inversion of models with functional inputs. Application to a car pollution control system.
    Directors: C. Prieur (Univ. Grenoble Alpes) and C. Helbert (Ecole centrale Lyon).
    Co-promotor: (D. Sinoquet).
  • Ivana Aleksovska : sept 2015 - Mars 2017
    Statistical reformulation of  the probabilities of damage and feasability constraints of an offshore wind turbine mooring line.
    Director: J. Garnier (Ecole Polytechnique).
    Co-promotor: M. Guiton (IFPEN).

Internship and training surpervision


  • Chloé Contant - ENSAI (15 Avril / 15 Oct.) 
    Quantification d’incertitudes et modélisation Multimodale pour la prédiction de propriétés physico-chimiques de mélanges
    Co-supervision with M. Mougeot (ENS Paris-Saclay), D. Sinoquet (IFPEN), T. Virin (MICHELIN).
  • Mahmoud Aharmouch - Université Toulouse III - MAp13 (10 Mars / 6 Sept.)
    Space-filling design in a functional space for meta-modelling
    Co-supervision with C. Prieur (UGA), C. Helbert (Centrale Lyon), D. Sinoquet (IFPEN).


  • Lydia Hamoum - Université Paris-Saclay - M2 Computer & Network Systems 
    Meta-modelling the fatigue of a riser.
    Co-supervision with E. Roguet (IFPEN), F. Delbos (IFPEN).
  • Soufian Echabarri - Centrale Supélec
    Meta-modelling functional outputs from a simulator. Application to the fatigue estimation of an offshore wind turbine.
    Collaboration with E. Vazquez (Centrale Supélec), F. Delbos (IFPEN), N. Bonfils (IFPEN).


  • Jarod Foucaud - Université Gustave Eiffel
    Design of experiments for the calibration of numerical simulators.
    Co-supervision with L. Pronzato (I3S), M.J. Rendas  (I3S) and S. Bouquet (IFPEN).


  • Clément Duhamel - Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 
    Stochastic inversion.
    Co-supervision with C. Prieur (Université Grenoble Alpes), C. Helbert (Ecole Centrale Lyon) and D. Sinoquet (IFPEN).


  • Mouhamed Ba - Alternance ISUP-Sorbonne Université (2019-2020) 
    Gaussian Process modelling and GP based mixed optimization.
  • Jingang Qu - Sorbonne Université  
    Study of the hidden constraints of a black-box simulator with machine learning.
    Co-supervision with Frederic Delbos (IFPEN)
  • Mouhamadou Sow - INSA Rouen  
    Non-stationnary Gaussian process modelling.
  • Erwan Rondeaux - INSA Rouen  
    Evaluation of the machine learning potential for CFD models predictions.
    Co-supervision with Adèle Poubeau (IFPEN)


  • Adrien Hirvoas - Université Blaise Pascal
    Global sensitivity analysis of an offshore wind turbine.
    Co-supervision with Fabien Caleyron (IFPEN)
  • Konstantinos Varelas - Paris Saclay University
    Multi-objectives optimization with constraints.
    Co-supervision with Delphine Sinoquet (IFPEN)


  • Giulia Cavenago - Politecnico Milano
    Surrogate models with mixed qualitative and quantitative variables: application in reservoir engineering.
    Co-supervision with Delphine Sinoquet (IFPEN)


  • Gulnara Abdrakhmanova-Aitzhanova - Imperial College
    Sensitivity analysis.
  • Student - IFMA / école d'ingénieurs SIGMA Clermont
    Generalized Polynomial Chaos modelling.


  • 2023 - 2024 Lecture on ACP and Clustering, IFPSCHOOL, 3h. 
  • 2023 - 2024 Lecture on an introduction to probablity and statistics, Master HPC-IA, Mines Paris-Tech, 24h. 
  • 2022 - 2023 Lecture on an introduction to probablity and statistics, Master HPC-IA, Mines Paris-Tech, 21h. 
  • 2022 - 2023 Lecture on an introduction to linear regression and neural network, IFPSCHOOL, 7h. 
  • 2021 - 2022 Lecture on an introduction to linear regression and neural network, PGS19 Data Analytics & Machine Learning, IFPSCHOOL, 7h. 
  • 2021 - 2022 Lecture on an introduction to probablity and statistics, Master HPC-IA, Mines Paris-Tech, 24h. 
  • 2016 - 2018 Lecture on statistics, uncertainty treatment and optimization, IFPEN, 35h.
  • 2013 - 2014 Teaching assistant of numerical analysis, EPF Sceaux, 120h.
  • 2011 - 2012 Supervision of 2 MS student, Imperial College London.
  • 2010 - 2011 Teaching assistant of mathematics at the University of Paris 7, 80h .
  • 2008 - 2010 Lecture of numerical statistics and data analysis, Ecole Nationale des Ponts
    et Chaussées, 40h.
  • 2008 - 2010 Teaching assistant of mathematics at the University of Paris 6, the UPEMLV
    and the Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieurs en Electrotechnique et Electronique
    (engineering), 140h.
  • 2003 - 2007 Undergraduate teaching assistant of mathematics at the UPEMLV, 100h.


  • Menz, M., Munoz Zuniga, M., Sinoquet, D.
    Space-filling design of experiments on an actively learned hidden set with a Gaussian process Classifier.
    To come soon.
  • Barry, A., Bachoc, F., Bouquet, S., Munoz Zuniga, M., Prieur, C.
    Optimal design of physical and numerical experiments for computer code calibration
    Submitted to.
  • Breaz, V., Munoz Zuniga, M., Zahm, O.
    Certified dimension reduction and reliabilty
    Submitted to.
  • Menz, M., Munoz Zuniga, M., Sinoquet, D.
    Estimation of simulation failure set with active learning based on Gaussian process classifiers and random set theory.
    Submitted to SIAM Mathemtatics Of Data Science, 11 September 2023.
  • Cousin, A., Del´epine, N., Guiton, M., Munoz Zuniga, M., Perdrizet, T.
    Advanced adaptive design of experiments for computing the fatigue life of an offshore wind turbine
    Structural Safety.
  • Angelberger, C., Poubeau, A., Rondeaux, E., Munoz Zuniga, M.
    Exploring the potential and the pratical usability of a machine learning approach for improving wall friction predictions of RANS wall functions in non-equilibrium turbulent flows.
    Flow, Turbulence and Combustion.


  • El Amri, M.R., Helbert, C., Munoz Zuniga, M., Prieur, C. and Sinoquet, D.
    Feasible set estimation under functional uncertainty by Gaussian Process modelling.
    Physica D: Nonlinear phenomena, special Issue – Uncertainty Quantification in Complex Dynamical Systems, 19 Aout 2023.
  • Duhamel, C., Helbert, C., Munoz Zuniga, M., Prieur, C, Sinoquet, D.
    A SUR version of the Bichon criterion for excursion set estimation.
    Statistics and Computing. 4 February 2023.


  • Cousin, A., Garnier, J., Guiton, M. and Munoz Zuniga, M. 
    A two-step procedure for time-dependent reliability-based design optimization.
    Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization.
  • Arnaud, E., Caleyron, F., Hirvoas, A., Munoz Zuniga, M., and Prieur, C.
    Wind turbine quantification and reduction of uncertainties based on a data-driven data assimilation approach.
    Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy.


  • Arnaud, E., Caleyron, F., Hirvoas, A., Munoz Zuniga, M., and Prieur, C.
    Quantification and reduction of uncertainties in a wind turbine numerical model based on global sensitivity analysis and recursive Bayesian inference approach.
    International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering.
  • Munoz Zuniga, M.
    A Gaussian Process based Stepwise Uncertainty Reduction strategy for the estimation of a structure cumulated damage
    IFPEN internal report.
  • Munoz Zuniga, M.
    Review of criteria for sequential enrichment of a design of experiments in the context of Gaussian process based meta-modelling
    IFPEN internal report.


  • Cousin, A., Garnier, J., Guiton, M. and Munoz Zuniga, M. 
    Chance constraint optimization of a complex system - Application to the fatigue design of a floating offshore wind turbine mooring system.
    Proceedings in 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM) - ECCOMAS Congress 2020
    (Virtual Congress) 11-15 January. F. Chinesta, R. Abgrall, O. Allix and M. Kaliske (Eds)
  • Murangira, A., Munoz Zuniga, M., Perdrizet, T.
    Structural reliability assessment through metamodel based importance sampling with dimension reduction.
    Reliability Engineering & System Safety.


  • Munoz Zuniga, M., and Sinoquet, D.,
    Global Optimization for mixed categorical-continuous variables based on Gaussian process models with a randomized categorical space exploration step,
    Information Systems and Operational Research, 2019.
  • El Amri, M.R., Helbert, C., Lepreux, O., Munoz Zuniga, M., Prieur, C. and Sinoquet, D.,
    Datadriven stochastic inversion under functional uncertainties,
    Statistics and Computing, 2019.


  • van Ackooij, W., Aleksovska, I., Munoz Zuniga, M.,
    (Sub-)Differentiability of Probability Functions with Elliptical Distributions,
    Set-Valued and Variational Analysis Volume 26, Issue 4, pp 887-910, 2018.
  • Munoz Zuniga, M., Guiton, M., Wahl, F.,
    Surface de réponse pour Deeplines en houle irrégulière
    IFPEN internal report.


  • Munoz Zuniga, M.,
    Generation of a space-filling design of experiments in a constrained and disconnected Euclidean space, IFPEN internal report.
  • Munoz Zuniga, M., Guiton, M.,
    Résultats préliminaires pour la surface de réponse de Deeplines en houle irrégulière,
    IFPEN internal report.


  • Munoz Zuniga, M. and Benali, A.,
    Functional principal component analysis for the Bayesian calibration of a numerical simulator with functional output,
    IFPEN internal report.
  • Lameiras Franco Da Costa V., Lameiras Franco Da Costa V.R., Munoz Zuniga M., Dallerit V.,
    Etude de l'incertitude en modèle linéaire et Krigeage,
    IFPEN internal report.


  • Munoz Zuniga, M. and Ben Gharbia, I.,
    A numerical comparison of an adaptive Generalized Polynomial Chaos method and an adaptive Gaussian Process metamodel. Proposition of an improved adaptive Gaussian Process approach,
    IFPEN internal report.
  • Munoz Zuniga, M.,
    Analyse de sensibilité d’un modèle à entrées dépendantes et plan d’expérience optimal construit à partir de mesures de dépendances (Partie 1),
    IFPEN internal report.


  • Caron, V., Guyader, A. Munoz Zuniga, M., Tuffin, B.,
    Some recent results in rare event estimation,
    ESAIM: Proceedings 44, 239-259, 2014.
  • M. Munoz Zuniga and Y. Richet,
    Global optimization of a computer based model with functional data inputs,
    IRSN internal report.


  • M. Munoz Zuniga and S. Kucherenko,
    Low cost estimates of total sensitivity indices based on metamodels,
    Imperial College internal report.
  • M. Munoz Zuniga and S. Kucherenko, N. Shah,
    Metamodelling with independent and dependent inputs,
    Computer Physics Communications.


  • M. Munoz Zuniga, J. Garnier, E. Remy and E. de Rocquigny,
    Analysis of adaptive directional stratification for the controlled estimation of rare event probabilities, Statistics and Computing.
  • M. Munoz Zuniga, J. Garnier, E. Remy and E. de Rocquigny,
    Adaptative Directional Stratification for controlled estimation of the probability of a rare event,
    Reliability Engineering & System Safety.


  • M. Munoz Zuniga, J. Garnier, E. Remy and E. de Rocquigny,
    Adaptative Directional Stratification: an adaptive directional simulation method in a stratified space, Safety, Reliability and Risk of Structures, Infrastrutures and Engineering Systems, Taylor & Francis Group, London.


  • M. Munoz Zuniga, J. Garnier, Y. Lefebvre,
    Controlled estimation of the probability of rare event for a complex physical model - examination of monotoneous variation models,
    Congrès Lambda-Mu 16, Avignon.

Computational developments:

  • Development of algorithms in IFPEN uncertainty treatment and optimization softwares : COUGAR, ATOUT, HubStat.
  • Package Generalized Polynomial Chaos (GPC) published on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN),
  • Implementation of the Brent algorithm in the IRSN platform Prométhée.
  • Implementation of a Quasi Random Sampling-High dimensional model representation in an Imperial College plateform,
  • Development of the prototype of the Adaptive Directional Sampling Monte Carlo technique implemented in OpenTurns (an Open source initiative for the Treatment of Uncertainties Risks’N Statistics).

Presentation and participation in conferences and scientific events :


  • Journées du GDR MASCOT NUM, France, Clermont-Ferrand, 9-11 Juin 2022. 
  • Journées CIROQUO, France, Rueil-Malmaison, IFPEN, 23-25 Mai 2022.
  • Journées de l'optimisation, Canada, Montreal, 16-18 Mai 2022.
  • Visite Polytechnique Montreal, Canada, Montreal, GERAD, 9-13 Mai 2022.
  • SIAM conference on uncertainty Quantification, Atlanta, Georgia US, 12-15 April 2022 (Virtuel). 
  • 10th SAMO conference, US, Florida,14-16 Mars 2022 (Virtuel).
  • Journée CIROQUO - Axe 3, France, Lyon, Doua, 22 mars 2022 
  • Atelier GDR MASCOT NUM, France, Paris, IHP, 10 Mars 2022. 
  • Visite Polytechnique Montreal, France, Rueil-Malmaison, IFPEN, 28 fev. - 02 mars 2022.


  • Journées CIROQUO, France, Rueil-Malmaison, IFPEN, 18-19 Novembre 2021,
  • ETICS 2021, France, Erdeven, 12-17 Septembre, 2021.
  • EURO 2021, Global and local derivative-free optimization under uncertainty, Athènes, 10-14 Juillet 2021 (Virtuel).
  • Journées CIROQUO, France, Lyon, Ecole Centrale de Lyon (Ecully), 1-3 juin 2021.
  • RESIM 2021 : 13th International Workshop on Rare-Event Simulation,  Paris, 18-21 Mai 2021 (Virtuel). 
  • Journée de la conception robuste et fiable - 7eme edition. Reliability based design optimization and uncertainty quantification for offshore wind turbines. SIGMA Clermont-Ferrand, 29 Janvier 2021 (Virtuel).


  • World Conference on Natural Resource Modeling 2020, Chili, Valparaiso, 8-10 Janvier 2020


  • Meeting OQUAIDO, Mines de Saint-Etienne, Novembre 27-28, 2019.
  • Formation OQUAIDO, Mines de Saint-Etienne, Novembre 26, 2019.
  • Formation ETICS, France, Frejus, Septembre 22-27, 2019.
  • ICCOPT - 6th International conference on continuous optimization, Berlin, Allemagne, August 3-8, 2019.
  • EURO - 30th European conference on operational research, Dublin, Ireland, June 23-26, 2019.
  • Journées OQUAIDO - Toulouse, France, May 14-16, 2019.
  • Atelier GDR MASCOT NUM - Big ideas for small, Paris, France, May 13, 2019.
  • Journées du GDR MASCOT NUM, Rueil-Malmaison, France, March 18-20, 2019.
  • Atelier de modélisation de l'atmosphère - Calibration de modèles et quantification des incertitudes, Toulouse, France, March 11-13, 2019.


  • Meeting OQUAIDO CEA, Cadarache, 22-23 novembre 2018.
  • Meeting OQUAIDO, EC Lyon, 22-24 mai 2018.
  • Formation OQUAIDO, "Du krigeage clé en main à la création de noyaux personnalisés.", Mines Saint-Etienne, 30 Janvier 2018.


  • Meeting OQUAIDO, BRGM, Orléans, 22-23 novembre 2017.
  • EUROPT - 15th workshop on advances in continuous optimization, Montréal, Canada, July 12-14, 2017 
  • OQUAIDO Formation -  "Statistique des Extrêmes" par Cécile Mercadier, Campus de la Doua, Lyon, France, march 14, 2017.
  • OQUAIDO Formation - 19-20 Juin 2017, IMT Toulouse. "Méthodes statistiques pour les données fonctionnelles.", par J.-M. Loubès.
  • Meeting OQUAIDO, Université de Nice, 10-11 mai 2017.


  • Meeting OQUAIDO, IFPEN, Rueil-Malmaison, 15-16 novembre 2016.
  • ETICS 2016, Barcelonette, France, June 6-10, 2016.
  • Meeting OQUAIDO, Mines Saint-Étienne, 11-12 mai 2016.


  • Colloque MODNAT - Modélisation des phenomènes naturels - Failure probability estimation of a floating wind turbine under wind and wave loading, December 14, 2015.
  • LMCS2015 - Estimation de la probabilité de défaillance d'une turbine d'éolienne, centre Inria, Rennes, France,November 24, 2015.
  • ICASP12 - 12th international conference on applications of statistics and probability in Civel Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, july 12-15, 2015.


  • BioBaye2013 - Cannes Mandelieu, France, October 7-11, 2013.


  • Rare Event Conference - Couplage des méthodes de stratification et de simulation directionnelle adaptative pour l'estimation de faibles probabilités sur des modèles à temps de calculs élevés, Palaiseau, France, November 15, 2012.
  • Journées MAS, Clermont-ferrand du 29 au 31 août 2012.


  • IMACS - 8th Seminar on Monte Carlo Methods, Borovets, Bulgaria, August 29 september 02, 2011


  • Journée Réseau Incertitudes, Clamart, France, october 18 2010. 
  • Seminaire Approches Probabiliste et Statistique des Phénomènes Physiques, Chatou, France, october 21 2010. 
  • SAMO - 6th International conference on sensitivity analysis of model output, Milan, Italy, July 19-22, 2010.
  • Workshop OpenTurns, Paris, France, June 29 2010. 
  • JDS - 42th Journées de statistique, Marseille, France, May 25-29, 2010.
  • Journées MASCOT NUM, Paris, France, May 04 2010. 
  • Séminaire des thèses EDF, Chatou, France, April 1 2010. 


  • ICOSSAR - 10th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, Osaka, Japon, September 13-17, 2009.
  • Research Group Reliability and connected domains, Champs-sur-Marne, France, may 29 2009. 
  • Journées MASCOT NUM, Villetaneuse, France, March 18 to 20 2009. 
  • Seminary BigMC, Paris, France, March 12 2009. 


  • Lambda-Mu - 16th Congrès de maîtrise des risques et de sûreté de fonctionnement, Avignon, France, October 07-09, 2008.
  • Research Group Reliability and connected domains, Champs-sur-Marne, France, March 14 2008.