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En résumé

Christophe Preux est diplômé de l’école d’ingénieur MATMECA (+ DEA mathématiques appliquées) (2003) avant de réaliser sa Thèse de doctorat à Université Bordeaux 1 en partenariat avec le CEA-CESTA (2006) en Modélisation, Mathématiques appliquées et Calcul Scientifique. En 2021 il a soutenu son HDR à Sorbonne Université en modélisation et simulation numérique.

Il a rejoint IFPEN en 2006 en tant qu’ingénieur de recherche en simulation de réservoir. En 2013, il devient chef de projet en simulation des écoulements de fluides complexes avant de devenir Chef du département physico-chimie des fluides et matériaux complexes.

Il est auteur de 9 brevets d’invention et de plus d’une quinzaine d’articles WOS.

Sujets de recherches
Modélisation des écoulements de polymère, modélisation de la tension de surface, physico-chimie
  1. P. Charrier, B. Dubroca, C. Preux, Computation of effective transport coefficients of a microscale gas flow, Bulletin of the Institut of Mathematics, Academia Sinica (New Series), Volume 2, No. 2, pp. 297-328, June 2007.
  2. G.L. Vignoles, P. Charrier, C. Preux, B. Dubroca, Rarefied Pure Gas Transport in Non-Isothermal Porous Media: Effective Transport properties from Homogenization of the Kinetic Equation, Transport in Porous Media, Vol. 73, pp. 211-232, 2007
  3. G.L. Vignoles, P. Charrier, C. Preux, B. Dubroca, Rarefied Pure Gas Transport in Non-isothermal Porous Media: Validation and Tests of the Model, Transport in Porous Media, Vol. 75, pp. 295-317, 2008.
  4. R. Deschamps, N. Guy, C. Preux, O. Lerat, Analysis of heavy oil recovery by thermal EOR in a Meander Belt: from geological to reservoir modelling, Oil Gas Sci. Technol. – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles, Vol. 67, N° 6, Novembre - Décembre 2012
    Dossier: Challenges and New Approaches in EOR
    pp 999 – 1018  DOI :, 6 Février 2013
  5. C. Preux, About the use of quality indicators to reduce information loss when performing upscaling, Oil Gas Sci. Technol. – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles, Volume 71, Number 1, January–February 2016
  6. S. V. Ayache, V. Lamoureux-Var, P. Michel, C. Preux, Reservoir Simulation of Hydrogen Sulfide Production During a Steam-Assisted-Gravity-Drainage Process by Use of a New Sulfur-Based Compositional Kinetic Model, SPE 174441, DOI: 10.2118/174441-PA, 2016
  7. S. Leray, F. Douarche, R. Tabary, Y. Peysson, P. Moreau, C. Preux, Multi-objective Assisted Inversion of Chemical EOR Corefloods for improving the predictive capacity of numerical models, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 146, October 2016, Pages 1101–1115
  8. C. Preux, M. Le Ravalec, G. Enchéry, Selecting an appropriate upscaled reservoir model based on connectivity analysis, Oil Gas Sci. Technol. – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles, Oil Gas Sci. Technol. – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles, Volume 71, Number 5, September–October 2016
  9. B. Braconnier, C. Preux, E. Flauraud, Q-H Tran, C. Berthon, An Analysis of Physical Models and Numerical Schemes for Polymer Flooding Simulations, Computational Geosciences, Volume 21, Issue 5–6, pp 1267–1279, 2017
  10. I. Malinouskaya, C. Preux, N. Guy, G. Etienne, Impact of geomechanical effects during SAGD process in a meander belt, Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles, 73 (2018) 17, DOI:
  11. B. Braconnier, C. Preux, F. Douarche, B. Bourbiaux, MUSCL scheme for single well chemical tracer test simulation, design and interpretation, Oil Gas Sci. Technol. – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles, 74 (2019) 10, DOI:
  12. C. Preux, I. Malinouskaya, Reservoir simulation model calibration methodology with polymer flooding based on laboratory experiments, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 181, October (2019), DOI:
  13. C. Preux, I. Malinouskaya, Q.L. Nguyen, E. Flauraud, S. Ayache, Reservoir-Simulation Model with Surfactant Flooding Including Salinity and Thermal Effect, Using Laboratory Experiments, SPE-196663-PA, SPE Journal, mars 2020, DOI:
  14. I. Malinouskaya, C. Preux, A. Martin, A. Delbos, Modelisation of surfactant flooding  - Methodology for determining the interfacial tension function of concentration and salinity, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 195, December 2020, 107894,
  15. K. Laurent, E. Flauraud, C. Preux, Q-H Tran, C. Berthon, Design of coupled finite volume schemes minimizing the grid orientation effect in reservoir simulation, Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 425, 15 January 2021, 109923,
  16. C. Preux, I. Malinouskaya, Thermal conductivity model function of porosity: review and fitting using experimental data, Oil Gas Sci. Technol. – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles, Volume 76, Number 66, Oct. 2021,